With this HD02 HD+ card, that is valid for 1 year, you can watch the german HD+ Channels also with devices like:
- Dreambox
- VU+
- Unicams
- Deltacams
- Diablo Cams
Thats what you can't do with the normal HD+ cards that most of the shops are selling at the moment (HD03 cards). The card is valid for one year and after this year you can renew the subscription for Euro 70.-
Waht you get:
- HD 02 Card
- 1 year subscription
You can access the following HD+ channels: RTL HD, SAT.1 HD, ProSieben HD, VOX HD, RTL II HD, kabel eins HD, SUPER RTL HD, N24 HD, n-tv HD, TELE 5 HD, SPORT1 HD, DMAX HD, RTL NITRO HD, Nickelodeon HD, sixx HD, COMEDY CENTRAL HD, ProSieben MAXX HD, DELUXE MUSIC HD, Disney Channel HD und TLC HD.
Shipping costs: 2 CHF with letter mail.